LG Mobile TV Party

LG held a special "Mobile TV Party" at Paramount Studios this week to celebrate the launch of the LG VX9400. If the celebrity status of the people that show up for such events is any indicator, this device looks to be a little less alluring and youthful than the Sidekick iD. Not that I don't have a soft spot in my heart for Brenda Walsh or Lauren Conrad, but you gotta admit the crowd was less, how shall I say this, "hip" than some launch parties.Why were people like Scott Baio, Christopher Knight, Gary Coleman, Shannen Doherty and Alan Thicke in attendance? The LG VX9400 is one of the first handsets to support Mobile TV, which delivers programs from some of the biggest television networks to your cell. LG themed out the entire party recreating what they called three of television's most memorable shows "Brady Bunch, Star Trek and Happy Days." The VX9400 phone allows you to make calls, answer messages, and when finished, go right back to enjoying TV programs.

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